Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Dick Cheney Has Jumped The Shark

On Tuesday, Mr. Cheney made the following statement:

"The biggest threat we face now as a nation is the possibility of terrorists ending up in the middle of one of our cities with deadlier weapons than have ever before been used against us - biological agents or a nuclear weapon or a chemical weapon of some kind to be able to threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans."

His intention was to illustrate that given a worst case scenario, the current administration would be in a better position to respond than Mr. Kerry's administration. This is, of course, based on nothing more than speculation - in the event of a nuclear, biological or chemical attack on a US city, we wouldn't be "responding" to anyone.

Since he raised the question, I have a few of my own for the vice president:

1) Let's assume a worst case scenario (like you proposed), of simultaneous nuclear detonations in multiple cities across the US. How exactly would we respond? It seems to me that our military, already stretched too thin in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, would need to be recalled to provide security, render aid and deliver supplies. Wouldn't his cause the collapse of the current Iraqi government, send the entire Middle East into a state of upheaval and most likely create World War Three? Since you raised the question, Mr. Vice President, I'd really like to see your action plan for coping with just such a catastrophe.

2) Again, thinking about worst case scenarios. Let's assume (this time) that there's a biological attack on several US cities. If we can't even sort out a simple flu vaccine problem, what are the chances we could produce enough vaccines to combat smallpox (or any other potential nasties) in an acceptable time frame? Can we safely assume that the chances are slim to none?

3) Throwing out the "what if" worst case scenarios, can you give me our potential responses to the following:
a. A direct hit from a large (< 1km across) meteor on US soil?
b. An invasion from a hostile race of extraterrestrials with superior technology?
c. Simultaneous catastrophic natural disasters (what happens if the San Andreas fault lets go, Mt. St. Helens explodes, another hurricane demolishes a major metro area in the southeast while tornadoes wreak havoc across the plains)? Surely you have a plan to deal with this, while John Kerry does not.

Yes, Mr. Cheney, I'm being sarcastic. Quite frankly, we both know what the proper response in any of the above situations will be - put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye. Neither the Bush administration nor the Kerry administration would be in a postion to do anything about the above threats - it comes down to reaction.

And if the worst did happen, I'd want John Kerry in that underground bunker, not George Bush. Why?

1) Kerry actually has combat experience.
2) Kerry would be more likely to get aid from our former allies. Let's face it - John Kerry hasn't pissed off all of Europe like your administration has.
3) Kerry (I believe) would focus more on rendering aid and rebuilding the infrastructure than on bombing a country with possible terrorist links.

It's been said, Mr. Cheney, that you can "fool some of the people some of the time and jerk the rest off". I'm telling you that's not always the case.

This is what I hate about bush and kerry - the only thing they really campaign on is fear, and fear cannot be the basis of our government or else we will go crazy attacking everyone at random.

Our response to 911 has cost us at least ten times the money as 911 itself did at this point. Yes, we have to worry about terrorism, but maybe we should withdraw from foreign politics and weapons dealing a bit so that we do not become targets int he first place.

About the only place that bush stand as a real conservative is on abortion and the NRA. Besides that he basically seems to be a deficit spending moron with no clue what he's doing.

I meant bush and cheney, though the whole militaryt hing has really gone too far IMO.

It is interesting that the democrats in senate have given far more military service by and large, though.
Mr. Underhill - no worries, I assume you meant Bush / Cheney.

Darth - the whole campaign, on both sides, has reached new highs in lowpoints. Kerry's comment about Cheney's daughter being a lesbian was a tasteless attempt to alienate the religious conservatives supporting Bush/Cheney.

And Cheney's attempt to play to our fears was just fucking pathetic. Like Bush and Cheney have any more or less ability to predict and stop a terrorist attack than Kerry and Edwards would. After all, Bush and friends did SUCH a good job preventing 9/11/01...

A record of 0 and 1 is hardly something to rave about.
the entire republican campaign SINCE 9/11 has been about fear ... let's make sure we tell people the danger color level, let's keep those bulletins out there for indeterminite places that are being marked for terrorism at indeterminite times ... hey what the hell let's actually say that a vote for our opposition is a VOTE FOR TERRORISM!! yeah yeah that's the ticket!

i dunno about you peoples but canada is looking real good now. i bet info would let us stay there for a while ... ok, well maybe she'd let ME stay there and you all would have to fend for yourselves.
Inked: I already have a deal in place with the Oddfather and EMoP. I can eat Tim Hortons and say "Eh" with the best of 'em...

Here's what I know - only WE can keep ourselves safe from terrorism. It's everybody's job - if something doesn't look, feel or sound right - report it. DO NOT assume the government will keep you safe, regardless of who gets in in November.
Well, what we actually need to do is just become less involved with foreign politics, stop immigration (do we need more people at this point) and stop relying on other countries for every single consumable.

It will not be popular or make people as rich, but it is the only sustainable way that we are ever going to be able to live.
Amen, Mr. Underhill, amen. I've got a real hard time knowing that we're dumping billions of dollars into Iraq, yet our own bridges, tunnels and roadways are crumbling. Our schools are overcrowded, our educational system needs to be overhauled from the ground up and a significant portion of Americans neither have nor can afford healthcare. Here's a concept - why don't we fix our OWN problems for a while?
Bikeguy- Another great one. I was rolling around on the floor laughing- even though the whole subject matter is pathetically sad.

I guess the other part of this "thread" you'd have to follow is just how much of the baby (security plans and personnel) goes with the bathwater (Bush). Personally, its just time to change the water! We'll work on the baby part.
Politico - thanks for the kind words, amigo. It's gotta get better, right?
bike guy..its either going to get better, or worse, come november. i hear canada is gorgeous that time of year...
well, everything happens for a reason, right...?

my dad has a theory that nader's real purpose is to get bush elected so that this country will be thrown into revolution.

cheery thought, that.
Hi Lia - thanks for visiting my corner of cyberspace.

By accident or by design, Nader's presence in this campaign will only hurt Kerry and help Bush. Bush's re-election will NOT throw this country into revolution; as bad as things are (and will continue to be under Bush), we're a LONG way from people taking up arms in the streets.

It's going to be very interesting to see how this all plays out.
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