Friday, October 08, 2004

Let's Talk About Cars For a Change

OK, I admit it - I'm an automobile slut.

I've been married for fifteen years, and I've never strayed on my wife. Never even came close. When it comes to cars, however, I cannot keep Mr. Happy in my pants.

In 23 years of driving (holy fuck - am I really THAT old), I have owned:

- 3 used cars
- 7 new cars
- 1 SCCA ITB race car

Doing the math, that means I have been "car monogamous" for about two years at a time. If you account for the fact that I owned only motorcycles for three of those 23 years, my car relationship skills are even worse; I can only stay faithful to my automobiles for 1.8 years at a time.

Now, let me explain - I buy a car with the best of intentions. At first, there is a mutual respect and a great deal of passion. Somewhere along the line, it goes south; I wake up one day and something new has caught my eye. Out with the old, in with the new - logic and financial reason be damned. I've owned Fords, Mitsubishis, Mazdas, Acuras, Volkswagens and (now) a BMW. It's not about status - I don't give a shit about other people's impressions of my car - it's about enjoyment. The thrill of tossing a car into a corner at speed, the feedback through the steering wheel as the front tires begin to push and the rears gently follow in a well-executed four wheel drift, the simple joys of skillfully matching revs on a down-shift... that's the stuff of dreams for me.

I think I finally found a soulmate; a worthy four wheel companion. I think about her regularly, and even make up reasons to sneak out to the garage ("Gotta see if I left the door unlocked - be right back"). It bugs me, REALLY bugs me when she's not clean. I give her the best - premium unleaded, oil changes at 3x the factory recommended intervals, Rain X on her windows...

Is it love? Yeah, I think it is. The past six months have been the happiest of my automotive life. Still, the new Mazdaspeed 6 was just announced, and you've gotta love 278 horsepower AND all wheel drive.

Maybe you should check back with me in another year...

I grew up wrenching on cars, and I still enjoy it. It's a decent way to make a living, and the world needs good mechanics. These days you need to be equal parts engineer, computer scientist and psychic to diagnose and repair all the onboard systems.
Given your current computer knowledge, you should have NO problem with automotive diagnostic software. From what I've seen, it's pretty intuitive - written for the lowest common denominator.
i grew up driving hondas; economical, easy to fix, park, i drive a lexus, and i can't go back to the econobox autos at all :luxurySUVwhore:
Darth - I hear you, amigo. Somewhere along the line, comfort becomes just as important as handling. I test drove a VW R32 before I bought my current car - the R32 was VERY amusing, and would have made a great play car for track days, but there was NO WAY I could live with it from day to day.

Between work and driving vacations, I sometimes spend 14 hours behind the wheel. Needing a chiropractor as soon as you get out of your car is NOT a good thing.
Me, for now I drive til they drop.

If I get more money then I will have a drivearound car and a *fun* car at the same time, though.
At one point I had two motorcycles, a "play" car, a "business car" and my wife's car. Weekends were spent wrenching or washing - rarely had time to just drive, ride or enjoy.

Now I'm down to one car and one motorcycle, and life is much more manageable. Sometimes it is better to simplify.

I'm always happy to complicate friend's lives - just let me know when you want to start looking for a play car (or a motorcycle) and I'll hook you up.
Well, I know what I want in the fun car department - a vintage vette.

As for a bike, I am leaning owards a bmw, but I might want something that is a little lower to the ground cause I have an apish build were my arms are damn near as long as legs.
Plenty of BMWs out there with low seat heights. Worse comes to worst you can always get a custom seat made, too.

A colleague of mine in Japan has a thing for vintage 'Vettes. Owns a '65 big block roadster - I cannot imagine how much it costs to own, drive and insure that beast in Japan. Where the hell do you drive it?
so, this is all boy talk, huh?
Hey Inkeddaisy!

It started out that way, because that's what comes out of my cro-magnon brain the easiest. I've been trying to broaden my topics, because I doubt a lot of peoplke are going to want to hear daily ramblings on bikes or cars.

I'll try to keep it interesting - promise!
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