Thursday, October 07, 2004
An Open Letter to the Next President of the US
Dear Sir:
I, the undersigned, represent an average cross section of America. Middle income, college educatated, no felony convictions, read the newspaper daily, watch rental porn occasionally and do not regularly attend church (but I've got friends who do, which I'm hoping will help me out come judgement day). I consider myself a patriotic American, one who proudly flies the flag at home, celebrates July 4th and even gets choked up during the Star Spangled Banner.
Frankly, Mr. President, I've got some concerns about the future of this country. From where I stand, it's going to hell in a handbasket (and NO ONE carries handbaskets anymore). Now I realize you've got a full plate and an army of staffers who can give you expert advice on a lot of subjects. Still, years of experience have taught me that "experts" rarely have a background in what they're "expert" in, just a fancy degree from an overpriced school. I've learned that sometimes you have to step back, ignore the experts and listen to the little people in the trenches.
So, anyway, here's what's on my mind:
1) The economy. It sucks. If anyone is telling you otherwise, they're blowing smoke up your ass. Middle income jobs are disappearing like lifeboat space on the Titanic. The job reports you're so fond of quoting? Bullshit, if you ask me. Go tell a 47 year old middle management drone with a wife, mortgage and two kids in college that his next job will be flinging burgers at the McBurgerland in the mall, because....THOSE are the companies that are hiring. NOT the middle income, put-a-roof-over-your-head-and-pay-the-bills jobs we've grown accustomed to.
Likewise with the unemployment numbers. I'll agree they're declining, BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE RUNNING OUT OF BENEFITS AND DROPPING OFF REPORTS, NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE GETTING JOBS!
Sorry, I was shouting. I'll try to keep a calmer demeanor.
From where I sit, it looks like the middle class is going the way of the dodo. Now, Mr. President, do I really need to point out WHY this would be bad for your party's future?
So, what do I suggest? Well, how about the following:
a. Tax penalties for companies that outsource middle income jobs. Want to send customer service to Banglore? NO PROBLEM! You just get assessed 3x the salary in penalties of the job you just exported. Doesn't seem so attractive now, does it?
b. Tax benefits for companies that MANUFACTURE goods in the US. Not that we do that anymore, but we could.
c. The end of concessions for illegal immigrants. Yes, they take jobs that "Americans don't want", because companies pay them dirt cheap wages. Seal the borders, enact a realistic minimum wage and put American citizens who need jobs to work. You want to immigrate? Cool! Do it the same way my grandparents did - legally, with sponsorship.
2) The war in Iraq. Do I need to tell you that we should get the hell out? I'm not going to say we were right or wrong invading Iraq in the first place (but I'm not real comfortable with the idea of an "offensive defense"; we're supposed to be the GOOD GUYS, remember?), because what's done is done. Now, lets formulate a workable plan to pull our troops out:
a. Remember all those former allies, like Germany and France, that we told to fuck off? Well, now would be a good time to go back and offer them a slice of the pie. They send peacekeeping troops, they get some of the rebuilding business. Simple as that.
b. Iraqi self rule - speed up the process. The country is theirs, give it back to them. Yeah, I understand about all the rebel factions and the various tribes; you know what? It's their problem to solve. They've tasted democracy, they're not gonna be real happy going back to rule under an islamic dictator. Give 'em mocha frapachinos and The Gap, they'll forget all about jihad.
c. The money we're dumping into Iraq has gotta stop. We can't afford it. You probably don't do much driving on your own, but have you seen the state of our interstate highway system lately? It's a disgrace. Think "third world, only not quite as safe" and you'll get the idea. OUR infrastructure is crumbling; how about we focus on this for a while?
d. The "we're safer now than we were in 2000" argument is bullshit. As an American who travels abroad, I've got to tell you - it's hairy out there when you don't have an army of Secret Service guys covering your ass. Believe it or not, there are a lot of countries that don't like Americans anymore. Anything you can do to make me LESS of a target is greatly appreciated.
Look, I've rambled on enough here, so I'll cut this short. I'm here to help you, Mr. President, and I'm reasonably confident I can elist the help of a few thousand others. We'll roll up our sleeves, pitch in and do what's best for this country of ours. After all, isn't that what the greatest presidents hoped to achieve?
Best regards,
Bike Guy
I, the undersigned, represent an average cross section of America. Middle income, college educatated, no felony convictions, read the newspaper daily, watch rental porn occasionally and do not regularly attend church (but I've got friends who do, which I'm hoping will help me out come judgement day). I consider myself a patriotic American, one who proudly flies the flag at home, celebrates July 4th and even gets choked up during the Star Spangled Banner.
Frankly, Mr. President, I've got some concerns about the future of this country. From where I stand, it's going to hell in a handbasket (and NO ONE carries handbaskets anymore). Now I realize you've got a full plate and an army of staffers who can give you expert advice on a lot of subjects. Still, years of experience have taught me that "experts" rarely have a background in what they're "expert" in, just a fancy degree from an overpriced school. I've learned that sometimes you have to step back, ignore the experts and listen to the little people in the trenches.
So, anyway, here's what's on my mind:
1) The economy. It sucks. If anyone is telling you otherwise, they're blowing smoke up your ass. Middle income jobs are disappearing like lifeboat space on the Titanic. The job reports you're so fond of quoting? Bullshit, if you ask me. Go tell a 47 year old middle management drone with a wife, mortgage and two kids in college that his next job will be flinging burgers at the McBurgerland in the mall, because....THOSE are the companies that are hiring. NOT the middle income, put-a-roof-over-your-head-and-pay-the-bills jobs we've grown accustomed to.
Likewise with the unemployment numbers. I'll agree they're declining, BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE RUNNING OUT OF BENEFITS AND DROPPING OFF REPORTS, NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE GETTING JOBS!
Sorry, I was shouting. I'll try to keep a calmer demeanor.
From where I sit, it looks like the middle class is going the way of the dodo. Now, Mr. President, do I really need to point out WHY this would be bad for your party's future?
So, what do I suggest? Well, how about the following:
a. Tax penalties for companies that outsource middle income jobs. Want to send customer service to Banglore? NO PROBLEM! You just get assessed 3x the salary in penalties of the job you just exported. Doesn't seem so attractive now, does it?
b. Tax benefits for companies that MANUFACTURE goods in the US. Not that we do that anymore, but we could.
c. The end of concessions for illegal immigrants. Yes, they take jobs that "Americans don't want", because companies pay them dirt cheap wages. Seal the borders, enact a realistic minimum wage and put American citizens who need jobs to work. You want to immigrate? Cool! Do it the same way my grandparents did - legally, with sponsorship.
2) The war in Iraq. Do I need to tell you that we should get the hell out? I'm not going to say we were right or wrong invading Iraq in the first place (but I'm not real comfortable with the idea of an "offensive defense"; we're supposed to be the GOOD GUYS, remember?), because what's done is done. Now, lets formulate a workable plan to pull our troops out:
a. Remember all those former allies, like Germany and France, that we told to fuck off? Well, now would be a good time to go back and offer them a slice of the pie. They send peacekeeping troops, they get some of the rebuilding business. Simple as that.
b. Iraqi self rule - speed up the process. The country is theirs, give it back to them. Yeah, I understand about all the rebel factions and the various tribes; you know what? It's their problem to solve. They've tasted democracy, they're not gonna be real happy going back to rule under an islamic dictator. Give 'em mocha frapachinos and The Gap, they'll forget all about jihad.
c. The money we're dumping into Iraq has gotta stop. We can't afford it. You probably don't do much driving on your own, but have you seen the state of our interstate highway system lately? It's a disgrace. Think "third world, only not quite as safe" and you'll get the idea. OUR infrastructure is crumbling; how about we focus on this for a while?
d. The "we're safer now than we were in 2000" argument is bullshit. As an American who travels abroad, I've got to tell you - it's hairy out there when you don't have an army of Secret Service guys covering your ass. Believe it or not, there are a lot of countries that don't like Americans anymore. Anything you can do to make me LESS of a target is greatly appreciated.
Look, I've rambled on enough here, so I'll cut this short. I'm here to help you, Mr. President, and I'm reasonably confident I can elist the help of a few thousand others. We'll roll up our sleeves, pitch in and do what's best for this country of ours. After all, isn't that what the greatest presidents hoped to achieve?
Best regards,
Bike Guy
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"1) The economy."
What ever happened to a little sacrifice? When we fought WWII, I heard of people eating onion sandwiches because of meat rationing and all kinds of things to help the country. People worked for the war effort instead of whining about someone (not even themselves) losing a job. The economy is on the upswing! We had a major attack on our ECONOMY stupid! Quit your fucking whining and get on the boat! If Kerry was in office, he would have never have been for those tax cuts, that probably saved us from going into a DEPRESSION! A DEPRESSION, not recession.
"Tax penalties for copmanies that outsource"
What about companies that insource jobs: Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, Kawasaki, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, da, da, da, da...
What do you think they will do when we pull jobs from their country? They close plants here and we loose hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Don't even get me started about Iraq!
What ever happened to a little sacrifice? When we fought WWII, I heard of people eating onion sandwiches because of meat rationing and all kinds of things to help the country. People worked for the war effort instead of whining about someone (not even themselves) losing a job. The economy is on the upswing! We had a major attack on our ECONOMY stupid! Quit your fucking whining and get on the boat! If Kerry was in office, he would have never have been for those tax cuts, that probably saved us from going into a DEPRESSION! A DEPRESSION, not recession.
"Tax penalties for copmanies that outsource"
What about companies that insource jobs: Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, Kawasaki, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, da, da, da, da...
What do you think they will do when we pull jobs from their country? They close plants here and we loose hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Don't even get me started about Iraq!
J wilder...we wont get you started on much of anything because you are obviously an idiot. If you had a brain you'd realize the economy actually improved during WWII and production increased, whereas it has steadily been decreasing here since the 70s. A 'service economy' is just economist bullshit that means NO economy.
Bikeguy - the answers to our problems are there, but our 'leaders' all either don't have the will to eecute them or else choose the path of evil.
Bikeguy - the answers to our problems are there, but our 'leaders' all either don't have the will to eecute them or else choose the path of evil.
Nice letter Bike Guy. Mostly right on point.
Your one detractor should be asked exactly what sacrifices he's made lately. Perhaps we should enlist him to go to Iraq and put his life on the line for something truly meaningful.
The problem with Sadam and George W, is you can get rid of them but there's 100 more just like ready to take their place. Freightening.
Your one detractor should be asked exactly what sacrifices he's made lately. Perhaps we should enlist him to go to Iraq and put his life on the line for something truly meaningful.
The problem with Sadam and George W, is you can get rid of them but there's 100 more just like ready to take their place. Freightening.
Right on Politico - IMO, if you WANT to be president, chances are you're an immoral, corrupt pawn unfit to serve. It's a shame that our system has been corrupted this way.
J Wilder: Thanks for posting, appreciate your comments even if they don't make any sense.
Now, notice in my post that I never shilled for Kerry or Bush. Don't pigeon hole me as a Kerry democrat even though it's clear you're a dyed in the wool republican. I don't vote party lines; I vote for who will do the best for this country that I love. In the case of this election, sadly, I will vote for the person I think will fuck it up less.
Now, let me ask you - do you have any unemployed friends with families, mortgages and kids in college? College educated people who can't find suitable jobs? Because I do. From where I sit, outside of the smoke and mirrors generated by BOTH political parties, the employment picture isn't pretty.
"Insourcing", as you call it - hey, I'm all for it. You manufacture products here, with American workers, then you get tax benefits - regardless of where you parent company is. I hardly think that would encourage foreign companies to close shop and lay off American workers.
And no, I won't get you started about Iraq. I'm pretty sure I know where you stand there already.
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Now, notice in my post that I never shilled for Kerry or Bush. Don't pigeon hole me as a Kerry democrat even though it's clear you're a dyed in the wool republican. I don't vote party lines; I vote for who will do the best for this country that I love. In the case of this election, sadly, I will vote for the person I think will fuck it up less.
Now, let me ask you - do you have any unemployed friends with families, mortgages and kids in college? College educated people who can't find suitable jobs? Because I do. From where I sit, outside of the smoke and mirrors generated by BOTH political parties, the employment picture isn't pretty.
"Insourcing", as you call it - hey, I'm all for it. You manufacture products here, with American workers, then you get tax benefits - regardless of where you parent company is. I hardly think that would encourage foreign companies to close shop and lay off American workers.
And no, I won't get you started about Iraq. I'm pretty sure I know where you stand there already.
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