Thursday, October 14, 2004

Some Thoughts on Dogs

There are dog guys and there are non-dog guys (there's also a separate-but-equal category of cat guys, but that's a discussion for a whole other time); I, am a dog guy. Got one myself, and I have learned through the years to speak fluent dog. Ironically, my dog also understands English; he does, however march to his own drummer. Not much for conversation, either.

Actually bought a purebred dog once (years ago), and it was nothing but trouble. Turns out he was the runt of the litter, and routinely got his ass kicked by his brothers and sisters. After two weeks of sheer hell, and at the recommendation of our vet, we took the dog back to the breeder. Large breed dogs with behavioral problems and psychological scars do not make for good company. Or low insurance rates.

Got our current dog from a shelter - he's half German Shepard and half Golden Retriever. Was abused as a puppy (beaten by his previous male owner), so he had some issues to work through. The first time he saw me, it was NOT love at first site - he backed away, tail between his legs, growling with teeth bared through the bars of his cage. "Fuck you", he seemed to say "I'm not taking another newspaper upside the head. Come in this cage, on MY turf, and I will rip you limb from motherfucking limb".

Always up for a challenge, my wife and I took him outside. He was indifferent to her - two homes in a year and a half will do that to a dog - but kept his distance from me. She'd throw a ball, he'd run over and grab it (not bring it back - just grab it). I'd throw a ball, he'd give me the attitude filled glance, like "I got your ball right here...". So I waited, let him sniff around a bit, before I got down on my hands and knees and charged him. He stopped what he was doing, tilted his head and shot me a "WTF?" look. I charged him again, this time slapping the ground in front of him. It clicked instantly, and the only way I can describe his expression was, "Holy fuck - YOU SPEAK DOG!". He mock charged me and backed off; I did the same. In fifteen minutes of wrestling on a cold, dirty concrete patio I was able to undo a year and a half of mistreatment. It took time, but he learned that not all guys suck.

He's been with us for about ten years now, and he's still in great health. Half clown and half bodyguard (once got between my wife and a black bear under our deck), he's always good company.

Why do I bring this up? Because we're doing a fund raiser dog walk this weekend for the local animal shelter. If I can ask you a favor, it'd be this: next time you decide to get a dog, go look at your local shelter before running out to buy a purebred. There are a lot of dogs out there that need a good home.


I love almost all animals, but taking care of them is a different story. I am nto so reliable.

My mom was going to give away the puppies of our current dogs (chins) so I had to give her money not to do so. Once my house is built I will take one of them there and I will have to be more responsible I guess.

For now I let them sleep in my bed once in a while and play with them as I can.
cat guys? really?

i'm a dog guy.
wow, that one made me cry! damn you!

i volunteer with a local rescue here in santa monica because i can't get a dog yet.

i would never get a dog from a breeder. not even from the rescue that i help out with. it's the pound all the way.

and when i'm ready and able to finally have the doggie of my dreams ... look out world, i will be complete!
Inked: Sorry about that crying thing! I was trying to make you smile, silly.

Jane: You, of course, have about the cutest dog I've ever seen. She rawks!

Darth: Yeah, there ARE cat guys; I've seen 'em with my own two eyes. Not to say they aren't a little strange, mind you...

Mr. Underhill: You need a dog once you're in the house. Ain't a home without one.

Besides, let's be perfectly honest - a cute dog is a babe magnet.
Togo - The "that was fuckin' tasty" line had me laughing outloud. I can see my dog thinking that, every time I open a can of food.
I know dog bikeguy (name withheld). He is the BEST. He takes empties to the recycle bin. And is always affectionate. Hope to see him soon.

Cat woman here!

But I love dogs also! I never owned one though. My family used to have a boxer (I hope that's the same in English) but she was overprotective of me when I was born. She got real bitchy when someone apart from the closest family got near me. She was put to sleep when I was about two years old(not only because of me though, she was sick too)

I hate those little rat dogs though, you know the ugly ones that girly girly girls carry in their little hangbags. That's sooo sick!!! I always feel like kicking them around ( never do,after all it's not the dogs fault. I should kick the owners instead...lmao*) A real dog is big!
Right on, That Girl: I have one simple rule when it comes to pets - if it fits in the microwave, it isn't really a dog.
I am a big boxer fan and my family has had several. They are the sweetest dogs really, but also would tear someone's throat out if they attacked you.

I usually dislike small dogs, but my dogs now are japanese chins and they are simply the best natured friendliest dogs you can imagine, but also polite. They don't jump all over you or anything unless you let them, and it is like they can read your mood and suit themselves to it. They are also very obedient and actually try to please you.
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