Sunday, October 10, 2004

Today Was a GOOD Day

A really, really good day. As I write this most of my major muscle groups are close to cramping. I can't put any weight on my left hand (thanks to a massive hematoma and half inch gash) and I'm gonna have some REALLY, REALLY cool new scars on my left calf.

Why is this good, you ask? Because I spent most of the morning and early afternoon riding mountain bikes (like a madman) with my oldest friend.

"Riding" is kind of a misnomer here. I was, admittedly, waay over my head attempting to ride some of the trails we did. Think, "extended hike and drawn out crash coupled by sections of occasional riding" and you get a better picture of what happened. Still, the weather was perfect, the leaves were changing and I was outdoors. Really hard to beat that.

I'm smoking a turkey, too - so got some damn fine eats coming my way in about another hour.

Next time I get pissed off about work or life in general, I've got to take a step back and think about why we work - it isn't for money, generally it isn't for glory - it's to give us the opportunity to spend quality time with friends and family. To occasionally enjoy days like today.

have you ever had deep fried turkey?
No, never went the deep fried route. I hear it's good - REALLY, REALLY good...
how was the smoked turkey? was that for canadian thanksgiving?
The smoked turkey was DAMN tasty - thanks for asking. It was a dry run for the US Thanksgiving; I wanted to make sure we had it down before serving it to the family.

Smoked it for about five hours (in a propane smoker), then finished it on the grill for around an hour. Great flavor, but brining really helps this, too.
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